i’m not a twink, not yet an otter


Who’s a hardgainer? Me. I am… fucking great.

So basically, a hardgainer, is a person who is actively working out at the gym but are not seeing the results they are hoping for. Usually they have a fast metabolism, and have trouble gaining any weight at all (fat or muscle). This is how I categorize myself. I have always been an active person, but have never really seen any major gains. I’ve been about 150lbs since Grade 12 and have fluctuated by 5 pounds here and there. And yes.. growing up as a gay boy in my early twenties, it was cute. But you can’t stay a twink forever… and no one likes old twinks anyways. gross.

Now at 27, I think it’s time to take my goals a little more seriously. It’s 2017, the year of gains – YAAAASSSS. But seriously, I want to fucking crush the gym.

The three things I’ll be focusing on are:

Plant-based Diet

I truly believe a plant-based diet is the best approach to staying healthy. And although, I am still currently eating fish, and yes, the odd pizza slice here and there – I want to focus on being more vegetarian and eventually full vegan in the future.

Eating Enough

I have to make sure I’m eating enough, and at the right times. This will be my biggest obstacle because as much as I think I’m eating a lot, I am definitely not. Trying to gain weight on a plant-based diet seems to be a challenge because it takes constant attention and it’s hard to lose track of what you’ve eaten in a day – especially when you work as a server in a busy restaurant!!

Going To The Gym

I want to go to the gym 5-6 days a week, with at least one rest day per week. I’m currently on a workout plan (that I will discuss in the near future), and hoping to stay on track with it this year.

Stay tuned~





Easiest Vegan Mushroom Soup

image.jpegThis is by FAR the easiest soup recipe I have ever come across. Not only that, but its amazingly creamy and delicious and completely vegan!


  • 5 cups of water
  • coconut oil
  • 1.5 vegetable stock cubes or paste
  • 1 cup of brazil nuts
  • 1/3 cup of nutritional yeast
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 lb of mushrooms
  • salt and pepper (to taste)


  1. Dice mushrooms and sauté with tablespoon of coconut on medium heat. Once browned, take off heat and set aside.
  2. In a large pot, combine 5 cups of water with all the rest of the ingredients, including salt, pepper, and the sautéed mushrooms. Leave a half a handful of mushrooms to add to the soup AFTER its been pureed.
  3. Boil all the ingredients, covered, until onions are translucent. (15-20 minutes)
  4. Combine all the ingredients in a high-speed blender. I use my Vitamix and it works great. I blend almost to a puree, but leave it a little chunky.
  5. Pour into a bowl, and add the remaining diced mushrooms into the soup. Add more salt and pepper to taste if preferred.